Blessings in the Mighty Name of Yeshua Hamashiach!

Luke 12:35-40 GNBDC
[35] “Be ready for whatever comes, dressed for action and with your lamps lit, [36] like servants who are waiting for their master to come back from a wedding feast. When he comes and knocks, they will open the door for him at once. [37] How happy are those servants whose master finds them awake and ready when he returns! I tell you, he will take off his coat, ask them to sit down, and will wait on them. [38] How happy they are if he finds them ready, even if he should come at midnight or even later! [39] And you can be sure that if the owner of a house knew the time when the thief would come, he would not let the thief break into his house. [40] And you, too, must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you are not expecting him.”
Pastor Williams