Blessings in the Mighty Name of Yeshua Hamashiach!
15 Foundational Principles for Real Men to Live By
(Introduction) Part 1
For a few weeks, the morning word will focus on principles for men to live by. Without strong godly men, societal collapse is inevitable!
There are countless voices in our culture ringing through the air with definitions of what men should be like in essence and conduct, and this dense fog of ambiguity sends messages that mislead men into damaging, and in some cases, even dangerous courses of living.
It derails and disqualifies men from being the life-giving source of strength and love to others as he was meant to be. Men must be told how to be men, and that from the Word of God, unfortunately, the loudest and most dominant voices are calling men to a fatal ruin.
The Voice of Our Culture Says to Be a Consumer, Not a Producer
Media advertisements are calling men to consumption rather than production, and the subsequent result is a whole generation of men who are becoming addicted to entertainment, alcohol, and sex, disqualifying themselves from being real men who lead well.
The Voice of the "Modern Man" Says to Dominate in the Name of Self-Confidence
The “Modern Man” He is calling men to dominance and control in the name of self-confidence. He isn’t a gentleman because women don’t want that, he says. It’s outdated. He controls the room with his super-charged machismo and gives his woman the gift of total security and privilege to sit down, shut up, and “feel safe like a real woman.”
This is not Kingdom living, and it is not God's will.
Manhood Principle # 1 Tomorrow
Pastor Williams