Blessings in the Mighty Name of Yeshua Hamashiach!
1.You Will See God.
2.God’s Spirit Indwells In You.
3.You Will Live A Holy Life With Ease.
4.You Will Have A Clean Conscience.
5.You Will Have Pure Desires.
6.You Will Be Free From Bitterness.
7.You Will Be Filled With God’s Love.
Benefit number one is the most important benefit of having a pure heart, which must motivate you to keep your heart holy, pure and undefiled from the evil pollutions of this world.
No wonder the Lord Jesus Christ tells us in Matthews 5:8 that those who have a pure heart are blessed indeed, as they will eventually see God in heaven in His full glory when all is said and done with their earthly lives.
You must remember that only people who have a clean heart that has been purged and purified by the blood of the Lamb can enter heaven as no unclean thing will ever set foot on heaven as Revelations 21:27 tells us.
So, if your heart hasn’t been purified yet, you need to ask God to create in you a clean heart that’s been cleansed from sin the way King David did in Psalms 51:10-12 when he fell into the sin of adultery.
It’s not too late to ask the Lord to give you a clean heart, no matter how deeply buried you are in your sins. You can have your heart purified and made whiter than snow today if you come to Jesus Christ in genuine repentance and godly sorrow.
I'm going to continue to encourage you to let God purify your heart and ask those you've offended to forgive you as you forgive others of their offenses against you. Let go of all past hurts and let Adonai have total control of your heart and life.
Pastor Williams